I have been watching the news a lot lately, the kaos in Egypt, the disaters of flooding water in Australia, the turmoil around the world makes me feel that I am glad where I live. I have a safe haven in my home with my husband, my family and in my community. I used to think that I needed more that what I had, not any more. I cannot imagine loosing all that I have and be with out my family and my home. I know a few people who have love, shelter, food, clothing, transportation, extras to keep themselves occupied with their time but who are not happy with all that. I have been asking myself how can they be so unhappy. I believe I was caught up in what I wanted instead of what I had a while back, this year I made myself look at what I have and be grateful no matter how much or how little I have. How can I give someone that wake up call?? What does it take? I feel like giving them a shake and screaming at them, would that work, probably not. Maybe they need their world shook a bit just to realize that they shouldn't look at their neighbors and compare. The grass does always look greener on the other side of the fence but is it???
I pray for the people who are suffering with their losses, even for those who have not yet had loss.
Valentines day is coming up, let your loved ones know how much you love and care for them every day.